"Geography is about much more than places and names. Geography is about skill, insight, and vision, and is a science particularly well suited to addressing the challenges of the 21st century. The global health and economic crisis we face reinforces this more now than ever. Given the complex social, environmental, and political challenges today’s learners will inherit, it is essential that we leverage the power of geography to teach them to measure the impact of our actions.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) geography scores expose concerning disparities in ensuring all students understand the complex, interconnected workings of our human and natural systems. We as a nation must double down to ensure our students have a strong foundation in the fundamentals of geography. Although the NAEP will no longer provide data on students’ geography knowledge and understanding, we know that young people are the world’s most untapped resource for hope, and we remain steadfast in our 132-year commitment to helping students from all backgrounds understand, relate to, and cherish the world around them. That’s Geography."
Vicki Phillips Chief Education Officer National Geographic Society