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Explorer Amy Sacka on Why the Great Lakes Give Her Hope

In 2018, National Geographic Explorer Amy Sacka decided to document America's Great Lakes in an effort to inspire their protection. In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we asked her to reflect on her work in this region, which continues to fill her with a sense of wonder for our world.

Words and photos by National Geographic Explorer Amy Sacka

Spending time on the icy expanses of the Great Lakes gives me hope and a sense of wonder. Sometimes when the ice is changing it makes strange noises that sound like whales or massive mysterious sea creatures communicating. One time, about a mile out, the small shanty I was in started violently shaking. “Ice earthquake,” the stranger I was with said to me, and then went back to fishing. The ice was expanding. I felt alive.

Photo by Amy Sacka

Photo by Amy Sacka

Oftentimes, I’d watch the ice for hours. A little like collecting diamonds.

Photo by Amy Sacka

All along my journey on the Great Lakes, I found myself sharing space and stories with strangers. One time a man opened his home to me on Lake Michigan. As I stood in his kitchen, I began reading the sayings he had plastered across his walls, like arteries of a value system. In our time together he told me he often thinks about the people who live on the other side of Lake Michigan. “Who are they?” he says, this body of water the divider yet something like a life force between them. “I’m going to the Michigan side of the shore in about a week,” I tell him. “I’ll wave at you. Look out your window.”

Photo by Amy Sacka

Photo by Amy Sacka

Read more hopeful stories about our planet in our digital Earth Month Care Package.

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