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Crimean Teens Document Black Sea Coast

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Photograph by Lera, Ukraine

Twenty teens gathered to explore the coastal towns of Simeiz, Yalta, and Balaklava on Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula last week with Pulitzer Prize-winning National Geographic photographer Jay Dickman and fellow NatGeo contributing photographer Matt Moyer. The result: An image gallery and multimedia show illustrating what the Black Sea means to residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and how people live, work and play in and near its waters.

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Photograph by Nurie, Ukraine

Student participants in National Geographic Photo Camp: Crimea learned techniques for finding and framing better photos, editing their work, and telling stories with images—particularly stories focused on nature, human behavior, livelihoods, and water.

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Photograph by Nastya, Ukraine

The Geographic conducted the workshop in association with Internews, a California-based non-profit with a mission “to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard.”

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Photograph by Elen, Ukraine

“We really hope what these kids will take away from this is a confidence in their own photographic ability,” Dickman told Jeri Curry of Internews, “understanding how important photography is in our lives, as it does document our life and our time and our history. To be able to empower them a slight amount to make a better photograph that resonates with the viewer is what we’re hoping for.”

View Photo Camp galleries, read about Photo Camp: Barbados, and discover more National Geographic photography.

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Photograph by Ilias, Ukraine

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