I got together with environmentalist, advocate, and National Geographic Emerging Explorer Alexandra Cousteau at headquarters yesterday afternoon to discuss something she thinks about lots and speaks of with passion: Water. Over the last half-year, Alexandra’s Expedition: Blue Planet has taken her to India, Botswana, the Middle East, the Mississippi River, and Cambodia chronicling “the interconnectivity of water… what it means to live in a world where water is our most precious resource.”
Continuing the family legacy—renowned oceanographer and marine explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau was Alexandra’s grandfather, Philippe Cousteau her father—Alexandra is also extending it, moving beyond the seas to document increasingly urgent threats to freshwater for drinking and sanitation, agriculture, and ecosystems in many parts of the world.
This October, Alexandra and her Blue Planet team head out once more, to the waters off Belize, where they’ll dive the Mesoamerican Reef—the largest coral barrier reef in the western hemisphere. You can follow Alexandra’s latest adventures and scan photographs, blog posts, and video from the entire expedition on her website.